Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. A Weekend in Venice

    As a boy, I remember my grandmother telling stories of her and my grandfather’s trip to Italy. The two of them were invited by a sibling to go on the trip with most expenses paid. For some reason, the destination that I remember hearing about most vividly was Venice. I...

    • travel
    • Italy
  2. Rome is a Work of Art

    Rome is such a massively historic city that I didn’t know what to expect when arriving in modern-day Rome. I’ve read so much about it in the context of ancient history but relatively little about the last couple hundred years. What we encountered was a mix of multiple centuries organically...

    • travel
    • Italy
  3. Relaxing in the Orvieto Countryside

    After meeting up with my family, we drove to the town of Orvieto a little more than an hour outside of Rome. We stayed in Orvieto because my sister was studying there for a semester of her undergrad and had classes during the week. It may not be top of...

    • travel
    • Italy
  4. Anniversary on the Amalfi Coast

    The Amalfi Coast is a beautiful section of coastline on Italy’s western shore one providence south of Rome. Its steep hill produces great views pretty much anywhere you stay. We chose to stay in this region for the solo-anniversary portion of our trip based on several recommendations we had heard....

    • travel
    • Italy
  5. We Traveled to Italy!

    A Change of Plans After our honeymoon in Cancun, Bekah and I started saving for our 5-year anniversary trip to Hawaii because we really enjoyed the chance to travel to beautiful places together. Five years and half a dozen countries later, we were still planning on taking that 5-year anniversary...

    • travel
    • Italy
  6. JSConf US 2010: Pushing JavaScript Beyond the Browser

    This year I was able to attend JSConf US 2019 as a representative of SitePen. It was a very fun conference where people showed off the cool things they were building with JavaScript. There was a workshop day where I was able to program a microcontroller running Node. There were...

    • technology
  7. Birding in Peru

    When my wife and I arrived in Peru, I didn’t know that I would eventually identify 75 different species in the country. At the time, I was just getting back into bird watching and had less than 100 species on my lifetime list. Peru is not known as an eco-tourism...

    • travel
    • birding
  8. Estamos en Puebla, México

    Back in February, my wife Bekah and I packed up our things and left the United States for Puebla, Mexico. We left Colorado last year after I began working remotely and my wife began working on her online master’s degree full time. But with no job holding us to a...

    • travel
  9. What I am grateful for from 2018

    Looking back, the past year has been filled with transition. My wife and I knew that she would be finishing her fellowship program. We knew that we would likely move to California at the end of the year. We didn’t know that half way through January, I would learn that...

    • personal
  10. Updating the Decorators Proposal for the Holidays

    The Ecma TC39 committee, which standardizes the JavaScript language (officially known as ECMAScript), has been discussing a decorators proposal for several years. Transpilers like TypeScript and Babel implemented the initial version of the decorators proposal, allowing developers and frameworks to start using the proposal before the feature became an official...

    • technology
    • TC39
  11. Automate Mojave Dark mode configuration

    If you like to automate your macOS configuration via bash scripts and have recently setup Mojave, you may be wondering how to enable dark mode, the configuration is called “AppleInterfaceStyle” and can be set using the following command. defaults write "Apple Global Domain" "AppleInterfaceStyle" "Dark" If you would like to...

    • technology
  12. Why I Got a Twitter Account

    How joining the social networking platform helped me become a better programmer

  13. Are our churches too siloed?

    With the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation coming up, it seems appropriate to look at how churches work without an organizing structure. At the beginning of church history, churches were small and geographically separated. Churches could often be identified by their city or by the home where...

    • christianity
  14. Migrating an Angular 1 application to @types

    I upgraded an application at work to use @types instead of Typings today. Unfortunately I had trouble finding information on the differences between the two systems. Many things that were supposed to " work with no change" didn’t seem to be but eventually I was able to please the TypeScript...

    • technology
  15. Moving Forward

    The past two years of ministry in Springfield, Ohio have been filled with ups and downs for my wife and me. We have had the great opportunity to get to know the children who attend our church’s weekly children’s programs. We have also transitioned out of some of the ministries...

    • personal

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