Anthony Ciccarello
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Short thoughts and replies that weren't a whole blog post.

  1. Glad to see people thinking about alternatives to JSX. I am still hoping HTM template strings can get proper TS typing. Idea: do we actually need JSX in React when SwitfUI has shown the power of compostability using just functions? Also note the power of chainable modifiers/wrappers (.font) that don't...

  2. And at the same time he went to to people who were despised by the religious elite, met their physical need, and showed them that God wanted them to follow him too

  3. It fascinates me that Jesus repeatedly called out the religious elite of the day for adding religious requirements that only made it harder to follow God. How much do we do that today?…

  4. I’m still occasionally posting (my free) content because they have a nice experience but I’m considering other options.

  5. I’ve stopped browsing content on @medium because the service became solely focused its paid content.

  6. Does anyone else get confused by why someone puts 5 different size towels on the towel bar?

  7. I wish airports would include wireless charging at their charging station.

  8. @_developit @nomadtechie @kristoferbaxter @seldo @shubhie @stubbornella @mathias @FredKSchott @rwaldron @hdjirdeh Unfortunately it’s not a 1-1 mapping, but it is a setting available to package authors. As a package drops old versions of node they can start emitting newer versions of ES

  9. USGS is saying it was an 8.0 magnitude quake in the northern part of the country.…

  10. Felt something strong enough to wake us up. Gotta be pretty strong if it is far outside Lima. #earthquake #temblor

    • earthquake
    • temblor
  11. This week I learned that the Spanish translation of the word percent “por ciento” is literally “of one hundred” which makes the English make a lot more sense.

    • TIL
  12. I feel strangely validated by not having to stress about #GoT spoilers.

    • GoT
  13. The radio stations in Peru have a surprisingly high overlap with the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack.

  14. “On 4 May, 32,500 people ventured outside in 171 countries, finding 6,816 species: 2/3rds of the world’s bird species in a single day.”… via @Team_eBird

  15. Could we please just stop making vertical videos?…

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