Anthony Ciccarello
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Short thoughts and replies that weren't a whole blog post.

  1. I think it’s easy to forget how much @github has reduced the barrier to open source contribution. It honestly is encouraging to be able to do what we do for free without crazy amounts of ads.

  2. I thought I heard thunder today but that was odd because it wasn’t raining. Apparently it was a volcanic eruption… El poderoso volcán #Popocatepetl en #Mexico hizo erupción nuevamente el fin de semana con poderosas explosiones que iluminaron el cielo de San Nicolás de Los Ranchos— Reuters Latam (@ReutersLatam)...

  3. Why doesn’t CSS flexbox wrap have an option like “wrap: start” to allow a pinterest/masonry style layout?

  4. My favorite part of #TDD is when I implement a feature and realize I haven’t tried running the application the whole time…and it still works!

    • TDD
  5. Yesterday I dropped @googleanalytics from my personal website. I replaced it with something a third the size and it felt good to reduce Google grasp on the internet a hair.

  6. One of @typescriptlang’s core failures is that its file extension is alphabetically after .spec.ts instead of before. So now my file explorer is out of order. I hope they fix this in TS 4.0. #trolling

    • trolling
  7. @chiccychiccy I think my struggle is that I’ll naturally only share the best of life. But that’s not what I want my feed to look like.

  8. I don’t know what #reallife moments are Instagram worthy without getting into posting messy images on stories.

    • reallife
  9. Is there a good way to ensure your social media presence isn’t over-idealized? I’m starting to post on Instagram but don’t want to contribute to the idea “everyone else’s life is perfect”.

  10. @chiccychiccy Haha, that’s impressive. I’m getting stressed just watching it.

  11. Idea for @ChromeDevTools and @FirefoxDevTools: Single URL request throttling to help with checking loading states and race conditions.

  12. A Mate emoji is coming in 2019 👍 Vamos a contarles cómo empezó y como sigue la epopeya del #emojidelmateEl 14/09/2017, con ayuda de @jenny8lee de, un equipo autoconvocado en el hackaton de la (2017) de @HacksHackersBA, nos propusimos … (seguir hilo 👇)— Emoji del Mate 🧉...

  13. @chiccychiccy @AldiUSA Agreed, I 100% appreciate the cost saving since it lowers prices. Even things like the quarter for a cart. I can put away my own cart. Also there’s an interesting history with Trader Joe’s:…

  14. Anyone else find it amusing that @AldiUSA is willing to swap marketing real estate for extra barcodes to speed up checkout?

  15. The fact that one of the top #SuperBowl commercials was for the [#NFL100](/posts/tags/NFL100) pretty much sums up the state of the #NFL right now. Desperately trying to stay relevant and entertaining.

    • SuperBowl
    • NFL100
    • NFL

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