Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. After the Rain

    IndieWeb Carnival: My Kind Of Weather

    • article
    • IndieWeb
    • carnival
  2. Today I learned that the standard CSS definition for gray is darker than darkgray. 🙈 Turns out things can get inconsistent if you combine two different lists of color names.

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    • TIL
    • technology
  3. I swear he intentionally loses these tenis balls under the couch so I have to help him…

    • photo
    • Denver
    • dog
  4. Au revoir France. It was nice to meet you. I’ll have more photos to share soon ❤️

    • photo
    • travel
    • France
  5. Group messaging doesn't have to be this bad

    A rant about Apple not playing nice with RCS interoperability

    • article
    • technology
    • rant
  6. Sometimes I can’t pick my favorite perspective…

    • photo
    • travel
    • France
    • architecture
  7. This tower is impressively tall. I loved getting brunch at a nearby cafe and walking around the neighborhood.

    • photo
    • travel
    • France
    • architecture
  8. Didn’t expect to find this jungle in Paris 🌿

    • photo
    • France
    • plants
    • travel
  9. I’m loving the stonework in Paris. So much detail to appreciate.

    • photo
    • France
    • architecture
    • travel
  10. Someone tell the French opera they need to update their windows machine.

    • note
    • France
    • Paris
    • humor
    • travel
  11. Pull requests are a communication tool, not just an approval process

    Reviewing pull requests on GitHub can be awkward. When a software developer is finally ready to share their code they have to wait for the dreaded review comments. If the reviewer has a question about some aspect of the code, they have a choice. They can either raise their concern,...

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    • technology
  12. I played around with the Deno JS environment yesterday for the first time in a while and found it surprisingly nice to work with. I liked how integrated everything felt with built in tools like testing and formatting. I also like the idea of the permissions system, though I’m not...

    • note
    • technology
  13. What we learned in puppy kinder

    Earlier this year, we took Denver, our Golden Retriever, to a puppy kinder class. While my wife is very experienced with dogs and Denver was making good progress, a significant reason we enrolled him was to expose him to working around other dogs. I joke that a puppy class is...

    • article
    • dog
    • Denver
  14. It was really validating hearing Russell Moore articulate the feeling of being an outsider in an American church that seems more and more disconnected from the origins of Christianity. I’ve spoken with so many people who no longer feel okay with the church culture we see today. More broadly I...

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    • christianity
    • culture
  15. Today I repaired our noisy clothes dryer and I have a new respect for how the box I used to take for granted works. Also grateful for the wealth of home repair knowledge on YouTube.

    • note
    • TIL

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