Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. This resonates with how I feel posting on my site. The combination of contributing to a community of knowledge while creating an archive of my own experiences feels really fulfilling.

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  2. Lots of car trips for this little guy. He even has a seat belt now!

    • photo
    • Denver
    • dog
  3. Leveling-Up Your Dev Team

    Software projects succeed or fail based on the quality of the teams behind them. Expert developers can be hard to find. So how do you get junior developers to level up? It’s not enough to teach how to use a framework or tech stack. Good developers can follow a pattern....

    • article
    • technology
  4. Hard to believe that we’ve had this little fluffball for almost 3 months now!

    • photo
    • Denver
    • dog
    • sunset
    • ocean
  5. It’s interesting watching the release of Meta’s new Twitter clone, Threads. I’ve largely left the algorithmic attention traps of the major social networks but I’m (cautiously) excited about the possibility they will embrace open standards. I’d love to restore internet connections with family who’s content I miss.

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  6. Multi-engine site search

    I added the /search page to the site with a form supporting multiple search engines. The hope is to give visitors a bit more choice in what companies to interact with. The challenge was managing different query param for different sites. DuckDuckGo doesn’t support multiple q= params, but does accept...

    • article
    • site changes
    • technology
  7. Birding in 2022

    Following my 2021 birding summary, I’m excited to share my 2022 birding review! My travels brought me to 7 different states, Italy, and a bonus layover sighting. Between the varied locations and some active days, my total number of species identified was up slightly over the previous year. But my...

    • article
    • birding
    • birds
    • travel
  8. Today I learned that before 1921 the Colorado River was called the Grand River.

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    • TIL
  9. Stopped by REI this week and was reminded that for anything you can buy for your home, you can buy a version smaller/lighter/more expensive for camping. Dishes, clothes, furniture, tools; there’s gear for it all!

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  10. The San Diego robin irruption is real. Our backyard has recently been filled with American Robins. I’ve counted at least 50 in our immediate yard and probably over 100 in the neighborhood. It’s a phenomenon that’s been seen all across San Diego County. The birds which are rarely seen this...

    • photo
    • birding
    • birds
  11. Congrats to my brother on scoring 1000 points for his high school basketball team. Quite the achievement! 🏀

    • note
    • personal
  12. I would just like to wish everyone a #SuperbOwl day. Whooo needs Eagles when you have owls?

    • photo
    • SuperbOwl
    • birds
    • nature

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