Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. We’ve had some really great sunsets the past few weeks. So satisfying.

    • photo
    • sunset
  2. It’s been a busy last month. I had a lot of fun on the central California coast but I’m happy to have a couple weekends to rest too.

    • photo
    • nature
    • animals
  3. A year later I finally got my Instagram photos backfilled. I hope to make it easier to upload photos in the future but it feels good to have combined the two collections.

    • photo
    • nature
    • flowers
    • plants
    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  4. Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. While we may not have kids in our home today, I am so proud of how you stepped into the role of foster mom this past year. Overnight you offered your love and attention to our foster kiddos when they couldn’t be with their...

    • photo
    • personal
  5. Because I haven’t posted enough of either, here’s a yellow flower on a cactus

    • photo
    • nature
    • plants
  6. We are changing foster agencies

    It has now been more than six months since our last foster placement. At the beginning of the year, we made the difficult decision to switch foster agencies. After how long it took to get licensed the first time, the prospect of another delay was discouraging. But I feel confident...

    • article
    • personal
    • foster care
  7. The roses were in full bloom this weekend at the rose gardens. So many interesting varieties. Loved these “Love Song“ roses “Rock-n-roll“ roses I'm a little mesmerized by this animation

    • photo
    • nature
    • plants
  8. I got a lot of sun this weekend, but I’d like to think it was worth it.

    • photo
    • plants
    • nature
  9. I think plants just go crazy in Southern California 🤔

    • photo
    • nature
    • plants
  10. Saw quite a few of these handsome California Quail out hiking this weekend.

    • photo
    • nature
    • birding
    • birds
  11. I love that this is named a “Cobwebby thistle”. It’s so cool to look at.

    • photo
    • nature
    • plants
  12. Had a really fun time flying into the “Airport in the Sky” on Catalina Island this weekend. It was beautiful! Avalon Bay

    • photo
    • landscape
    • ocean
  13. TIL that they make earplugs specifically for concerts. As someone with sensitive ears I need to look into these for the next time I go to a concert in person.

    • note
    • TIL
  14. TIL you can emulate the as const type suffix in JS with a helper function. (source) /** * Identity function. Coerces string/number literals to value-as-type. * @template {string|number} T * @param {T} v * @return {T} */ function toConst(v) { return v; } const five = toConst(5); // --> Type...

    • note
    • TIL
    • technology

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