Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. I’ve added a new type of post to my site. This should open a whole world of possibilities integrating with standards!

    • note
    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  2. We saw a beautiful sunset this weekend with our friends. The gulls seemed like they were ready for the day to be over.

    • photo
    • sunset
    • birds
    • ocean
  3. I’m grateful for getting time outside to relax.

    • photo
    • landscape
    • river
  4. Thinking of everyone back east getting snow and ice this week. Stay safe!

    • photo
    • farm
    • landscape
    • winter
  5. Wrapping up our first fostering experience

    After six weeks together our first foster kiddos were able to return to live with family members while their parent’s case continues to progress. This is great news for the kids as it will allow them to stay connected with their relatives. Throughout this journey, we were relieved to see...

    • article
    • personal
    • foster care
    • parenting
  6. Loved getting to watch more sunsets this month. The ocean can be so calming.

    • photo
    • ocean
    • sunset
    • landscape
  7. Got a chance to walk around downtown San Diego and take in the sunshine last month.

    • photo
    • landscape

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